Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013

Dear folks,
Conference was really good, we got to watch it at a members house as well so it was pretty nice. There is a lot of stuff changing now, and a lot of things that will change here at the start of next year.  The Lord is definitely hastening his work. 
This week has gone by pretty well. We had a lot of meetings to go to that were pretty interesting. We had a Zone Conference with a couple other Zones and President H outlined something called the "Willing and Brief" invitation which we are super excited about. As of late, membership participation in the work hasn't been as good as we would like it to be but this new invitation really simplifies member missionary work and makes it pretty easy to do. You should ask the missionaries there if they have heard of it yet and if they haven't, I would be happy to send them a copy of it, it really is a fantastic program.

Basically, it just invites members to ask their friends and family if they "would be WILLING to listen to a BRIEF presentation about (Insert Gospel Topic)? The presentation will be given by two (Insert Positive Adjective) missionaries and can be given in your own home if you would like."

It's pretty simple and has been very effective in the area's it's been tried in and we are excited about it. Our Stake President has approved us taking the 3rd our in an up coming Sunday to do a presentation about it.
Elder Hh and I are still getting a long great. We made a decision to try to be as obedient as we can and as a result we ended up handing over a lot of our investigators to the other set of missionaries in our ward because technically they were not in our area. That really hit us hard, but we have put a lot more effort into talking to everyone we meet. President promised that we would be blessed for it, so we are doing our best. Also, this "Willing and Brief" invitation should bring a lot more success as well, especially with the youth in the ward, which are absolutely fantastic at doing member missionary work.

Other than that, General Conference was great, we enjoyed it. It definitely hammered in missionary work a lot. We also enjoyed the Priesthood session when President Monson hammered in the importance of home teaching. How good a ward is at doing home teaching is really the best indicator of how well a ward is going to do missionary work. If they can't even visit their own members, they probably will not reach out to non-members. Home teaching really is an inspired program, and it is something I plan on making a priority when I get home.
I hope you guys have a good week.

Here are some pictures that Elder Jacob is in, that were posted on the mission blog this last week... Can you find him? (I'll give you a hint... he's the handsome one ;) hee hee)


The rest of the family argued with me on this image, they didn't recognize him because his hair is so light, short and he's so tan. But I would know my child anywhere. Do you recognize him? 



September 30, 2013

Dear Folks,

I saw the pictures, those are ridiculously huge pumpkins. I'm glad the garden is doing well. I hope things go well with your doctor stuff. Did something happen to Joy or is it just as a precaution? I hope she is ok and that things get figured out I'm glad things are going pretty well up there. Sure, I can take the cook book, it would be pretty helpful to have. I will try, so far I haven't been able to figure out how to send pictures home because they are apparently too big, I will try to though, I don't have my camera with me today. Elder Hh is from Texas. He has been out for about 9 months. We get along pretty well and are staying busy.
Sorry I didn't write last week, not much has happened. We have been working hard on getting more investigators, but that is proving to be difficult. The ward isn't super helpful with it, so we spend a lot of time street contacting and tracting now. Most of the people we are working with on a regular basis are less-actives. All the investigators we have are struggling to overcome some sort of addiction or another and all the ones we have that could be baptized are struggling with their families being vehemently against it, which is pretty frustrating. Nothing much has really happened in the last couple weeks, it's pretty much been the same old same old. We have been talking to a lot of people on the streets, though, that seems to be the most effective thing at the moment. Most people either ignore you or tell you to go away but if someone lets you start to talk, the spirit always testifies to them in some way and they usually start to ask questions, but most of the time it usually only goes that far but you never know what seeds you planted because of it.
I love you and hope you guys have a good week.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 24, 2013

The weather here is cooling off a bit, we are enjoying that a lot. It's weird here, one day it will be 85 the next it will be in the 50's with lite snow flurries. Reno is like that though, the weather is always changing really fast. My companion Elder Hh and I are getting a long really well.
This week has been slow. We have found a few new investigators, two of which were prepared to be baptized and accepted the commitment and date to be baptized within 3 weeks of us starting to teach them but because they are still 17 and 16 their parents have banned them from coming to church or reading the Book of Mormon and even praying. It's crazy how hard Satan works on people especially when they are super close to baptism. Cs, the guy that was supposed to be baptized last month but started going back to his own church called us a few days ago and asked why we kept coming back into his life and we said because Heavenly Father has blessing for you. He then said he was going to start coming back to church and take the lessons again so hopefully he will be ready to try again pretty quick here.
That's all for now, hope you have a good week.

September 17, 2013

This week has been pretty good. The whole moving situation was a giant mess. We ended up not finding out the day we were moving until the night before and we didn't know where until the day of and we spent most of the day walk our stuff to our new apartments which are in the same complex because the truck didn't show up until 2 in the afternoon and we didn't have a whole lot of time to wait. We ended up not being able to email or shop until today. Now the two companionships all live in our own separate apartments. The address is still the same accept it's apartment 36B.
Other than that it's still the same old same old. We did end up getting 4 new investigators this week, which was great. We decided to work on talking to more people as we walked because president had challenged us to and we were blessed for it. One was a father that asked us to come talk to his 15 year old son because he had skipped the whole last week of school and had been getting involved with a rough crowd and he didn't know what to do. We had a good talk with him and both of them asked if we would come back again. Two of them were teen couple that we had run into before but finally sat down and talked to and they wanted to learn more, and even came to church on Sunday and enjoyed it. 
I hope you guys have a great week this week. 

September 9, 2013

This week has been pretty good. Nothing much new has happened. Because of transfers this week we didn't end up having a lot of things to do and it didn't help that a lot of people were gone. My companion Elder Hh and I get along really well though. That's pretty much all that has happened this week. However, we did find out we will be moving out of our current apartments and moving into a different one closer to our area so we don't have to go as far anymore hopefully. That wont be until the 15th though so you should be good to send me mail until then and I will let you know our new address next Monday.
Hope you guys have a great week.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013

Dear Folks,

 The weather here has been pretty hot, the smoke has lightened up a bit so the sun gets through a lot more. They say the fire should be contained within the next couple weeks and then out a little after that.  I have not returned the shoes yet, I haven't had the time or a ride. The ward is getting kinda sick of being our chauffeurs, haha, so it's getting harder to get around.

Transfers are later today and I'm still staying here. Elder Bm is headed out to Carson City and my new companion is going to be Elder Hh.

This week went pretty well. Sorry my letter last week wasn't very long, the only time we could have gotten a ride back home cut our email time in half. We have been staying pretty busy but the work is kinda slowing down. We did finally get the Si's to come to Church after weeks of trying and they had a really good experience which was great. They also agreed to take the lessons again and to let us teach their kids, which are between the ages of 2 and 11 and the older two have not been baptized yet.

Cs is not happy with the Jewish religion still but he is still too afraid of his sister. Hopefully we can start working with him again, he still wants to get baptized but Sy just wont let go.

We haven't seen Dl at all this week, he has been at school and out most of the day. However, Me, another guy we are teaching, is awesome. We committed him to baptism and he accepted. He felt that God placed us in his path just has he moved to Reno to start a new life, he used to be involved in a lot of drugs and stuff in the past. Unfortunately, he lives in the Cold Springs Ward so we will have to turn him over to the Cold Springs Elders which kinda sucks, he's a really cool kid.
A couple weeks ago we ran into this girl named Mn on the street that we found out was a returned missionary that left the church. She didn't really elaborate on why but she invited us over to visit her and her boyfriend Chad, who also used to be a member but started reading anti-Mormon stuff at 16 and then became an atheist. We went over last Friday for dinner and ended up getting on the topic of why she had left after serving a mission. It's hard to describe the feeling we felt when she shared her story, it was like pure sadness, I've never felt anything like and I really don't want to feel it again, it was almost like a taste of what I'm sure Heavenly Father felt about it. Basically, she came to a point where she said she had started to have big problems with the church and that even though she prayed and prayed she didn't get an answer. What we feel happened based on previous information we had heard is that she started living a lifestyle that was not conducive to the spirit or receiving any sort of inspiration from it and that her boyfriend that she met shortly after returning from her mission has had a big effect on her opinions and perceptions, especially when it comes to the nature of God and receiving answers to prayer. The depression and the hurt and the confusion in her voice as she shared the story was unmistakable as well as her desire for us to help her, she is still very open to the gospel and the spirit that was there when we had the discussion was very strong. She said if we ever stopped by that we should have a lesson prepared because, according to her, she loves having lessons but I think she really wants us to talk her out of her decision. When we went home we reflected on how we had even come to meet her because we remembered it was unusual. What happened was we visited Ts but we wasn't home so we started walking back the other way and came to McDonald's. We both thought it was a good idea to go inside and get a drink of water, something we have never done and haven't felt like doing since. We sat by a window and saw her walk from her apartment to the street, then for some reason she walked back to her apartment and then at the same time we left McDonald's she walked past us back to the street just in time for us to run into her. I think it happened for a reason, we are pretty hopeful for her. he experience also made me realize how important the little things are like daily scripture study, church attendance, and prayer. Everyone seems to think as long as they aren't breaking big commandments they are fine but it's the little things that add up to it. No normal person goes from having a good job one day to robbing a bank, there are a little of little steps in between that lead to that point. It was a very eye opening experience for me, there are a lot of things I want to do from now on when I get home.
Sm is still awesome, she is probably our favorite investigator. She is a very outgoing person and is easy to get along with. She has some things to overcome but she is very perceptive to the spirit. Two weeks ago we had a lesson with her and this Baptist guy named De came up and started trying to argue with us, saying that according to 2 Corinthians 11, Joseph Smith saw the devil because the devil can impersonate an angel. The chapter is actually about priest craft and how Paul has never been paid or has been a burden on the people, but he missed that point despite the fact that his pastor is probably paid. He also talked about how Revelations says there can be no more scriptures, even though Deuteronomy chapter 4 says the same thing, either meaning that the whole Bible is false scripture or it is only referring to that particular book in the Bible. We, of course, wont argue back but Sam was ticked and told him to go. We started talking about prayer and how the Spirit talks to us and she said she feels like that when we talk to her but when De started talking the Spirit left immediately. We also had a lesson with her last week and the same thing happened but with a different guy. He said he's read the Book of Mormon and studied our religion because his dad is a Baptist Preacher in Sparks and told all of his kids to research other religions to learn how to bash them basically. He then proceeded to say the biggest issue he had was that Christ appeared to John Smith (he actually said John Smith and that John Smith found the Seven Seals of the Golden Plates, whatever that was, we aren't quite sure, it sounds like an Indiana Jones movie) and that Christ said on the cross that he wouldn't return until the second coming (false). Bm and I looked at each other and both thought, wasn't he resurrected and then appeared to a bunch of people 3 days later? And didn't he also appear to Paul on the road to Damascus? Sm recognizes that in order to receive any answer you have to go straight to the source and pray about it as well as read the Book of Mormon. We are pretty excited for her but we wont get to see her for the next few weeks because she will be busy with the Stead Air Races, which we might get to go see.

Yesterday for P-Day we went to the Rib Cook-off which was pretty fun. We both ate a full rack of ribs which were delicious and spent a couple of hours walking around and looking at all the stuff they had there. It's almost like the State Fair but it's not as big.
Well, that's all for now, I hope you all have a great week!

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013

Dear folks,
The weather here has actually been really cool, mostly because of the fires. Forest fires in California have flooded this valley with smoke so bad you can't even hardly see the mountains sometimes which has caused the temperature to be about 10-20 degrees cooler.

This week has been pretty good. Our Mission President chastised the Stake pretty good because apparently a lot of the missionaries here have been very unsatisfied with the way the work is going. Our Stake President had a big leadership meeting where he put the Bishops and ward mission leaders in one room and went through Handbook 2 and told them what their job was in missionary work. Hopefully things will start picking up. We haven't been doing too bad ourselves because we've been working pretty hard at finding people without the ward, but the other set that lives with us have been struggling and the other ward have also been struggling pretty bad.
Sorry I have to make this letter short because we have to take off pretty quick here. Love you guys and hope you have a great week.